Valplast is a resin for flexible dentures which are ideal for partial dentures and unilateral backups. Resin is a biocompatible thermoplastic nylon with unique physical and aesthetic properties, that gives unlimited design versatility and eliminate concerns regarding acrylate allergies.

Valplast flexible partial dentures allow adaptation to constant movement and flexibility in the oral cavity. Flexibility, combined with strength and low weight, provides total comfort and special look. The preparation of this material is relatively simple. Valplast is almost invisible because it doesn't have any metal hooks and the material itself integrates very well with tissues in the oral cavity. Although the cost is often higher compared to partial dentures designed with metallic hooks, flexible Valplast dentures are made without invasive procedures.

Patients should regularly sanitize Valplast flexible dentures. They should be immersed in water for 10-15 minutes a day or overnight for at least 3 times a week. Particles found on the surface thereof can be removed by ultrasonic bath or by placing dentures under running water. It's not recommend brushing valplast prostheses because it can remove its luster and wear off the surface with time.


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